Adrian van den Houten

Rollinsford, NH ·

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Proven Software Platform Engineer with experience leveraging agile, DevOps, and CI/CD to manage large scale distributed platforms both on prem and in public cloud.




  • IP Networking
  • DNS
  • Firewalls
  • Load Balancing
  • Microservices
  • RESTful APIs
  • SaaS/PaaS/IaaS
Languages, Operating Systems & Tools
  • Java
  • Python
  • git
  • subversion
  • linux
  • bash
  • php
  • jquery
  • javascript
Platform Development & Administration
  • Atlassian
  • Bamboo
  • Bitbucket
  • MySQL
  • Wordpress
Data Management
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MongoDB
  • Apache Spark
Containers & Cloud

BOSH release for Bamboo & Remote Agents

BOSH (Bosh Outer SHell) "is an open source tool for release engineering, deployment, lifecycle management, and monitoring of distributed systems." And it's amazingly powerful. This examples uses BOSH to provision an Alassian vendor app running on JDK along with the support Postgres database and agents to support it.  The releases manages the health of services and will automatically provision, start/stop processes across the various services.

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Wait! There's more..

See all Creations for more examples!

Atlassian Deployment Triggers

Uses Async call to lucene index for super fast autocompletion to address performance issue loading config.

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Added Docker Build Status Badge to

Added a shield for Docker Hub builds indicating state of last build

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Wait! There's more..

See all Open Source Contributions for more examples!


A collection of articles, presentations or talks, most likely on Culture and DevOps, because let’s admit it, they are one in the same ;)

Talk - Organically DevOps: Building Quality and Security into the Software Supply Chain at Liberty Mutual

This talk looked at Liberty Mutual’s transformation to Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and DevOps. For a large, heavily regulated industry, this task can not only be daunting, but viewed by many as impossible.

November 2016


Boss man

Current Company LTD

Led in development of fast paced software teams.

  • list
  • of
  • things

February 2016 - Present


Current Company LTD

Expedited the synergies of collaborative agile tooling.

March 2014 - February 2016


Previous Company Inc.

Implemented continuous devops pipelines automationing

February 2013 - March 2014


Rochester Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science
Management Information Systems

Beta Gamma Signma, High Honors

2006 - 2008

Clinton Community College

Associate of Applied Science
Computer Information Systems

2004 - 2006
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink